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- ItemThe place of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in small-scale farming in KwaDlangezwa, KwaZulu- National, South Africa.(University of Zululand, 2022) Mtshali, Thabisile LuyandaThe study's goal was to give a broad picture of the effects of agricultural growth that focuses on optimum output by utilising 4IR agricultural instruments. While acknowledging the role played by government in increasing agricultural manufactured goods. As for the national and provincial departments of agriculture (DOA) of the South African government made concerted efforts after 1994 to implement policies and programmes targeted at making the country's agricultural industry stronger and more robust. Increased equity among farmers in terms of racial and gender representation,as well as access to land, modern technologies, and other inputs, was critical to this strategy. As the process progressed, it was met with criticism from a variety of areas. Many post-1994 policies and programmes, including the 1995 White Paper on Agriculture, the 1998 Agricultural Policy in South Africa discussion document, the 2001 Strategic Plan for South African Agriculture, and the 2004 Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme have exemplified the criticism that there is an obvious shift away from supporting the poor and more vulnerable farmers, particularly female farmers, towards an overwhelming focus on the better off. The implications of the 4IR and small-scale farmer development in KwaDlangezwa were investigated using the theoretical framework of the classical/political economic and capacity approach theories. Traditional leaders, commercial and small-scale farmers, the manager at Felixton Mill, lecturers at Owen Sithole College (Vice Principal and students), and community people were interviewed using a qualitative technique in which twenty-four in-depth interviews were conducted. The study further conducted four telephone interviews with Department of Agriculture officials, University of Zululand lecturers (The Physics department is in the Faculty of Science & Agriculture) and Agriculture Research Council (researcher). Farmers require not only land, but also education, technology that is appropriate for their farming needs, and proper agricultural extension support, according to the study's conclusions. Small-scale farmers in South Africa can use digital technologies to overcome some of the barriers that prevent them from participating in economic development. However, the adoption of digital technology by small-scale farmers faces major hurdles and limitations. This study adds to the digital development literature in three ways: it presents the technology(4IR), the political and social variables influencing digital adoption in small-scale farming in KwaDlangezwa. It also adds knowledge to the analytical value of the capacity approach and 4IR technological adoption by small-scale farmers under five categories: economic, political, social aspects, institutional and governance. Through three interconnected sets of technologies, namely automation, additive manufacturing, and the Industrial Internet, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is having an impact on South Africa's industrialisation possibilities. The ramifications of the 4IR were examined in this research, including the potential and challenges that the 4IR poses for small-scale farmers in KwaDlangezwa. The agricultural sector has experienced job losses and sugarcane growers’ productivity has declined.Products-as-services, the sharing (collaborative) economy, and digital services and digital exports for small-scale farmers, on the other hand, are among the potential. The study's findings revealed that in order for small-scale farmers in KwaDlangezwa to benefit from 4IR agricultural instruments, they must enhance their entrepreneurship, education, land issues, market value chain, and finance scheme policies. In South Africa, small-scale farmers have been identified as a vehicle for achieving poverty reduction and rural development goals. To realise this potential, it is necessary to comprehend the diversity of small-scale farmers in order to create effective policy interventions. The findings also highlight the importance of social grants, particularly old-age pensions and child assistance payments, which have aided most small-scale farmers in KwaDlangezwa in sustaining their agricultural activities. According to additional information, only a small number of households can market their produce without the use of digital technology, which impedes business growth.
- ItemThe assessment of staff morale at the University of Zululand in KwaZulu- Natal, South Africa(University of Zululand, 2013) Khumalo, Njabulo; Thwala, J.D.; Mntambo, V.The University of Zululand (UNIZULU) is the institution of higher learning located in kwaDlangezwa in Empangeni, KwaZulu-Natal (KZN). This University is facing challenges which may affect staff morale. The aim of the study was to assess staff morale and obtain reliable information from the academic and support staff, in order to consider appropriate strategies for concerns for the well-being of all staff under study. The literature review was conducted to determine if other entities had assessed the employee morale. Research questions that were answered were: 1. What is the morale level of academic and support staff at the (UNIZULU)? 2. Which factors affect morale of academic and support staff at the (UNIZULU)? 3. What strategic ways or programmes can be generated to uplift morale of academic and support staff at the (UNIZULU)? A self-administrated web-based survey approach was used in a census to collect data among all 723 (UNIZULU) employees. The data was collected after distributing a questionnaire to 108 participants from the sample of 144. The study revealed that the level of staff morale at the (UNIZULU) is very low and identified factors that affect morale of staff such as the University management, job expectations, involvement on decision making, planning, support, human resources, communication, feedback to staff, etc. It further revealed the strategic programmes to be used by (UNIZULU) in uplifting morale of staff. It is recommended that the employee assistance programmes, wellness programmes, regular team buildings, and management skills programmes be offered.
- ItemWildness in Doris Lessing's African stories(University of Zululand, 2003) Louw, Pacticia Marion; Hooper, M.J.Doris Lessing's two volumes of African Stories, This Was the Old Chiefs Country and The Sun Between Their Feet, are an important part of her African writings. Perhaps not as well known as her novel, The Grass is Singing, and The Children of Violence series, the stories reflect her childhood and adolescence in a district of Rhodesia in the colonial era and they give a vivid picture of the settler society and the African terrain. Settler society, in the stories, is made up of various subgroups defined by age, culture and gender. My study analyses the way in which members of these subgroups react to wildness in the environment. Recent trends in ecological criticism have drawn attention to the significance of landscape in literature. Indeed, in Lessing's stories 'wildness', the natural environment, the 'bush', serves as far more than a mere background to human activity. Often it acts as a point of reference in terms of which different individuals define themselves and interact with others. 'Wiidness' is particularly significant in this regard as it stands as a challenge to the colonial imperative of taming and cultivating. Thus there is often a tension between those who embrace wiidness and those who reject it. Children are a particularly significant sub-group because they respond with openness and imagination to the invitation of wild spaces, and because their presence on the margins of the adult world enables them to act as silent and unnoticed observers in places where adults would have been denied access. The freshness of the children's responses to people and to nature shows up the limitations of the adult world and so provides an ironic commentary which exposes some of the forces underlying colonialism. Relationships across linguistic, cultural and racial barriers are likewise affected by wildness and defined in terms of it. The short story is a particularly flexible genre. My study demonstrates that the two collections are a significant part of Lessing's representation of colonial society because they allow her to explore the complexities of the colonial situation and the colonial process. The construction of 'wildness' in the stories is a crucial aspect of this exploration.
- ItemThe Impact of Training and Development on production at Porto in Richards-Bay(University of Zululand, 2005) Moyo, Mike Kondwani; Edwards, S.D.The main aim of this study is to find out if training and development of labour has any impact in facilitating a positive effect towards the production process in any organisation. The result of this study therefore intends to shed some light in how training and development should be conducted as well as how the different types of training programmes could be improved. In the same effort the study also intends to sensitize PORTO's employees on how the industry benefits from effective training programmes, and how this affects the surrounding communities. The study further intends to evaluate the effectiveness of training different types of employees at different levels of production using various training methods. The study identifies effective training programmes and methods, and then make recommendations on how they could be improved. The study also identifies some of PORTO's shortcomings as far as training and development issues are concerned including the absence of evaluation tools of training programmes. In that light, the study proposes that the organisation designs such tools or instruments which could evaluate individual's improvement in performance through these training programmes. Pre and post testing, the use of the suggested questionnaires, as well as the use of score sheets are suggested as instruments or tools that could be used to evaluate employee's performance and subsequently the impact of training interventions on production. The findings interestingly also indicate the relationship between training development and skills level. The argument is that training and development improves the skill level which also improves performance. Therefore, to increase production, efforts should be made to improve the skill levels of employees across the board. The researcher also hopes that an improvement in these areas, would consequently improve the economic situation of the industry and the welfare of the surrounding communities. The study further looks at the other factors that improve performance. The study then gives out suggestions and recommendations on how to run effective training and development programme. It also gives out solutions to some of the problems that were identified along with suggestions for further research related to this area of study.
- ItemAn investigation into the implementation of performance management systems at the institutions of higher learning in KwaZulu-Natal(2011) Mntambo, Victoria; Partington (Nel), K.; Dodd, N.; Tebele, C.This research investigates the use and implementation of performance management systems (PMS) at several institutions of higher learning in KwaZulu-Natal. The selected institutions are the University of Zululand, the University of KwaZulu-Natal and Mangosuthu University of Technology. The pilot study adopts a mixed methods approach using both quantitative and qualitative research methodology in order to give as holistic picture as possible of the phenomena under investigation. Quantitative results were analysed using descriptive statistics and qualitative data was analysed using thematic content analysis. The majority of the quantitative and qualitative results supports the study proposition that staff members experience performance management systems in different ways at the specified tertiary institutions and does not support the proposition that performance management systems have been successfully implemented at the specified tertiary institutions.