Nuclear reaction analysis cross-sections measurements for Boron and Carbon.
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The aim of the project was to measure nuclear reaction cross-sections for selected light elements such as Boron and Carbon for the database at Radiation Utilisation Group of Necsa. Deuteron-fnduced and "He-induced reactions were performed at the 4MV Van de Graaff accelerator at detection angles of 0= 150cand 135° for incident beam energies between 1.8 and 2.8 MeV. Immediate application of this study will help in determining:
1. The Boron contaminants or impurities in the raw material used for the
operation of the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor
2. The isotopic composition of boron carbide, which is used as a neutron
shielding at the SAFARI-1 research reactor.
submitted to the faculty of science and agriculture in fulfillment or partial fulfillment
for the degree of Master of Sciences in the Department of Physics at the University of
Zululand, 2007.
Nuclear reaction