The research trends of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Research at the University of Zululand, 1994 - 2008
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University of Zululand
The Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences departments play a fundamental role in university education and in promoting
the vision and mission of the University of Zululand. This paper explores definitions of Humanities and the Social Sciences,
and the terms ‘research’ and ‘research output’, and examines the status and challenges of research management at the
University of Zululand to evaluate research in the cited departments. A bibliometric method was used to analyse the
trends and challenges of Humanities and Social Sciences research by using research data reflecting on ongoing and
completed Arts, Humanities and Social Science research publications submitted by staff and students from 1994 – 2008
to the university’s Research Office. Data was analysed by categorising research output according to overall research
publication by department, publication in accredited (SAPSE) journals by each department, author productivity, and
research output by categories. Pearson’s correlation analysis was applied to test whether there was any correlation
between registered research projects and research publications. Results indicate that strong AH&SS research engagement
and publication exist at the university. Most research output was in the form of journal articles and conference papers.
There was also growing postgraduate research output in the form of Masters and Doctoral dissertations. AH&SS research
is generally multidisciplinary in nature. We noted that the system for capturing completed Masters and Doctoral research
reports at the university is inadequate. The paper raises other issues that are important for AH&SS research and
Peer reviewed article published under Inkanyiso, Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan 2010, p. 32 - 43
Research trends, humanities, Humanities and Social Sciences, informetrics, Research evaluation
Ocholla, D. and Mostert, J., 2010. The research trends of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Research at the University of Zululand, 1994-2008. Inkanyiso: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(1), pp.32-43.