Developing learner’s language competence through IsiZulu literary and non-literary text analysis

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University of Zululand
This study explores developing learner‟s language competence through literary and non-literary texts. The topic of the study: “Developing learner‟s language competence through literary and non-literary analysis is introduced. It is maintained that language educators‟ focus is on analyzing literary texts: poetry, novel, drama, folklore/folktale, short story and essay but not on designing their own texts. The learners should be encouraged to produce their own authentic texts. It is also assumed that non-literary texts are not analysed or developed. There is lack of emphasis on language: sentence construction, for when learners produce their own texts they should know how to construct a sentence. It is also maintained that language usage should also be emphasized because texts are assumed to have figures of speech, idiomatic expressions and proverbs. Learners should be encouraged to create their own texts and present them. Therefore the language competence through isiZulu literary and non-literary texts analysis should be developed. This discussion includes ways learners can develop their language competence through literary and non-literary texts analysis and the ways the language educators can teach learners language competence through literary and non-literary texts analysis. The research analyses different types of isiZulu literary texts to show how language competence can be developed through literary texts analysis. The novel, “Insila KaShaka,” poetry, short story, “Intando Kamufi,” essay, “Izifungo,” folktales and the drama, “Kudela Owaziyo” are analysed.
Submitted to the Faculty of Arts in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts in the Department of African Languages at the University of Zululand, South Africa, 2012.
Language competence, Language competence -- literary and non-literary analysis, Literary and non-literary analysis