Determination of the inclusive (polarized proton, alpha) analyzing powers in the investigation of the Ca-40 (polarized proton, proton-alpha) reaction with 100 MeV polarized protons
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Alpha particle formation in the 40Ca nucleus was investigated by means of the (~p*,pa) reaction with a 100 MeV polarized proton beam. Coincident and singles analyzing power data were acquired for three different quasi-free angle pairs. The knocked out a particles were measured using a silicon detector telescope and the protons were measured using a K600 magnetic spectrometer. Only the singles analyzing power data for the silicon detec¬tor telescope were analyzed in this thesis. This data served as an important consistency check for the coincident results between different datasets, and it was also used in the investigation of the clustering phenomenon.
The experimental analyzing power results were compared with the theoretical calcu-lations which were done using the THREEDEE computer code. This computer code is based on the Distorted Wave Impulse Approximation (DWIA). Experimental analyzing power results are not in good agreement with the theoretical analyzing power results.
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Science in fulfilment of the requirements of the Degree of Master of Science in the Department of Physics at the University of Zululand, 2005.
Polarized proton, alpha