'n Analities-deskriptiewe uiteensetting en evaluasie van die KwaZulu wet op die wetboek van Zoeloereg 16 van 1985 =an analytical descriptive explanation and evaluation of the KwaZulu Act on the Code of alternate law 16, of 1985

The KwaZulu Act on the Code of Zulu Law 16 of 1985 is the continuation of a practice which commenced in 1878, with the aim of codifying Zulu law and custom. The KwaZulu Code is not a restatement of traditional Zulu law and custom. The Zulu community is exposed to influences and changes in relation to their way of life, perspectives on values and circumstances of life, and the KwaZulu Code apparently reflects the normative and other conceptions of the community in this regard. The KwaZulu Code regulates aspects of private law such as the personal status of citizens of KwaZulu, guardianship, control of family heads over family homes and inmates, conclusion, divorce and nullification of customary marriages, lobolo institution, status of wives, division of family homes into sections, affiliation of houses, and inheritance and succession. Other aspects that are statutorily regulated by the KwaZulu Code include, inter alia, public law, such as criminal law (offences against public order, authority, decency and morals, or in terms of the regulations in respect of customary marriages and cognate unions), and constitutional and administrative law (the relationship between the members of a' tribe and those persons who are traditionally in positions of authority, the powers in terms of public law of the authoritive instances, and the appointment of successors to deceased chiefs) as well as certain procedural •matters, and the practice relating to medicine men, herbalists and midwives. The structuralistic method which is applied in this dissertation indentifies each chapter of the KwaZulu Code as a separate entity with its own regulating provisions. Each section, or such sections in a chapter which can be grouped together, is subjected in chronological order to an analytic- descriptive investigation and evaluation,' and especially on the basis of the views, opinions and decisions of legal and ethnological literature and court decisions, interpreted juridically. A few sections have not been discussed by our legal writers, nor have they been subjected to judicial investigation. These too are interpreted juridically. Some of the provisions alter traditional Zulu law and custom drastically, for instance, the elevation of the status of Black women and the extension of their rights in respect of ownership, inheritance and succession. Consequently it is indicated whether existing provisions depart from or extend Zulu law and custom. In some instances it was found that contradictions exist between the Afrikaans and English texts of the KwaZulu Code. It is therefore recommended that where such contradictions or legal uncertainty exist, the relevant sections be amended appropriately. = Afri:Die Kwazulu-wet op die Wetboek van Zoeloereg 16 van 1985 is h voortsetting van Vi praktyk, wat reeds in 1878 rt aanvang geneem het, om Zoeloereg en -ge-bruik te kodifiseer. Die Kwazulu Wetboek volg nie tradisionele Zoeloereg en -gebruik slaafs na nie. Die Zoeloe-samelewing self word blootgestel aan invloede en verander-inge met betrekking tot lewenswyse, waardestelsel en lewensomstandighede, en die Kwazulu Wetboek weerspieel in die opsig klaarblyklik die normatiewe en ander opvattinge van die samelewing. Die Kwazulu Wetboek reel veral privaatregtelike aspekte soos die persoonlike status van burgers van Kwazulu, voogdyskap, beheersbevoegdhede van familiehoofde ten aansien van familiewonings en huisgenote, die tatstandkoming, egskeiding en nietigverklaring van gebruiklike huwelike en verwante verbintenisse, die lobolo-instelling, status van eggenotes, indeling van familiewonings in afdelings, affiliasie van huise en erfenis en erfopvolging. Ander aspekte wat deur die Kwazulu Wetboek statuter gereel word, behels, onder andere, die publiekreg, soos die strafreg (misdrywe wat teen die openbare orde, gesag, fatsoenlikheid en sedelikheid gerig is, of wat uit die regulasies aangaande gebruiklike huwelike en verwante verbintenisse voortspruit), en staats- en administratiefreg (die verhoudinge tussen stam-genote en persone wat in posisies van tradisionele gesag verkeer, die pu-bliekregtelike bevoegdhede van die gesagsinstansies en die aanstelling van opvolgers by die afsterwe van kapteins) sowel as sekere prosesregtelike aangeleenthede, en die praktyk met betrekking tot genees- en kruiekundiges en vroedvroue. Die strukturalistiese werkswyse wat gevolg word, identifiseer elke hoofstuk in die Kwazulu Uetboek as ft afsonderlike entiteit met sy eie reelende bepalings. Elke artikel of sodanige artikels wat bymekaar in ft besondere hoofstuk hoort en wat judisieel beregbaar is, word in kronologiese volgorde aan ft analities-deskriptiewe ondersoek en evaluasie onderwerp, en word ver-al aan die hand van die menings, opinies en beslissings van die toepaslike regs- en volkekundige literatuur en hofbeslissings, regskundig uitgele. Enkele artikels word nie deur ons regskrywers bespreek nie en was ook nog nie aan ft judisiele ondersoek onderworpe nie, en hulle word ook regskundig uitgele. Sammige van die bepalings verander tradisionele Zoeloereg en -gebruik ingrypend, soos onder andere, die verhoging van die status van swart vroue1 en die uitbreiding van hulle eiendoms-, erfenis- en opvolgingsregte. Daar word gevolglik aangedui of die huidige bepalings ft afwyking of uitbreiding van Zoeloereg en -gebruik is. In sommige gevalle is gevind dat daar teen-strydighede tussen die Afrikaanse en Engelse tekste van die Kwazulu Wetboek bestaan. In sodanige gevalle of in daardie gevalle waar regsonsekerheid bestaan, word aanbeveel dat die besondere artikels paslik gewysig word.
A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Masters Legum in the Faculty of Law at the University of Zululand, South Africa, 1989.
Law, Primitive--South Africa, Civil law--South Africa, Zulu law and customs.