Impact of Node Location on Quality of Service in Infrastructure Wireless Mesh Networks

dc.contributor.authorSibeko, Cecilia Nombuso
dc.descriptionA dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science and Agriculture in fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Masters Of Science in Computer Science in the Department of Computer Science at the University Of Zululand, 2018en_US
dc.description.abstractInfrastructure Wireless Mesh Networks are designed as a possible solution to provide Internet connectivity to the rural community. This is because of its architecture which possesses capabilities such as dynamic self-forming, self-healing, and self-configuration. Infrastructure Wireless Mesh networks also have added benefits such as low up-front costs, reliability, robustness, as well as being easy to maintain. The infrastructure consists of static nodes which could be the routers or Portals. These nodes form and maintain the network automatically. Studies have indicated that the location of a node in the network can impact the network performance. Even though others have looked at the impact of node location their focus was limited to the number of nodes and traffic load distribution. In general, Infrastructure Wireless Mesh networks traffic flow is either node to node or node to Portal. Even then, the impact of node location on these traffic flows has not received adequate research attention. The focus of previous studies has been limited to the effect of node location relative to the network centre, with node-to-node traffic flow being the primary consideration. As Infrastructure/Backbone Wireless Mesh networks provide a means for Internet connectivity, it is also important to investigate the impact of node location relative to the Portal, where most traffic is flowing to or from the Portal. Hence, this study extends the previous studies by exploring the effect of individual node location relative to the Portal. The results of this study in regards to individual node location relative to the network centre revealed that the nodes achieved low packet delivery ratio, low throughput and high delays. This concurs with the previous studies. Furthermore, the impact of node location relative to the Portal, revealed that the packet delivery ratio of the individual nodes is higher than those of the edge nodes. The conclusion drawn from the foregoing outcome is that there is a negative impact on individual nodes closer to the network centre and a positive impact on the nodes closer to the Portalen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Zululanden_US
dc.subjectnode location --service quality --infrastructure wireless mesh networksen_US
dc.titleImpact of Node Location on Quality of Service in Infrastructure Wireless Mesh Networksen_US
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