Effects of discipline on learners’ well-being in rural primary schools in Mutshindudi circuit

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University of Zululand
The significance of classroom discipline and management has been appreciated both from a social practice perspective and an effective teaching stand. The study investigated the effects of discipline on learners’ wellbeing in rural based primary schools in Mutshindudi circuit. This study opted for interpretivist and constructivist paradigms which afforded the researcher to understand the circumstances in with the respondents experienced discipline and its relationship with learners’ well-being. The study adopted a case study design which provided an opportunity for triangulation. Purposive sampling was done to draw a sample from a population of learners, staff and SGB members of two primary schools. Data collection was done through open-ended questionnaires and interviews. The findings showed sentiments from all the participating parents that discipline is vital for healthy child development, necessary to build relationships, self-respect and the ability to cooperate with peers. From experience with their children they found that most learners who are not disciplined have their school performance affected adversely. The SGB members who participated in the study revealed how they as leadership were endeavouring by all means to encourage discipline through cooperation with other stakeholders listed as including management, teachers, learners, parents and guardians. One area the SGB is fighting hard is working with the parents to ensure their children do not bring dangerous weapons to school. One extreme case involved a learner who stole his father’s gun and brought it to school where he shot at a class teacher. The study found lack of discipline having a bearing on poor class performance and threatening learners’ wellbeing. In one school teachers adopt ill-disciplined learners to provide the father-figure that these learners could be missing in their lives. This has led to improved performance by the adopted learners and cessation of misdemeanours. The study recommends that a close working relationship must prevail amongst all stakeholders for a school to afford the best of learners’ wellbeing.
A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the academic requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education in the Department of Foundations of Education in the Faculty of Education, University of Zululand, 2020.
Classroom discipline and management, Social practice, Effective teaching