The political orientation of Dr Nelson R. Mandela and iNkosi Mangosuthu G. Buthelezi – a comparative study

dc.contributor.advisorNdlovu, Morgan
dc.contributor.authorZikhali, Bongani Maswidi
dc.descriptionA dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Development Studies in the Department of Anthropology and Development Studies at the University of Zululand, South Africa [2023].
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation examines the political orientations of two influential figures in South African history: Dr. Nelson R. Mandela and Inkosi Mangosuthu G. Buthelezi. Both leaders played pivotal roles in shaping the political landscape of South Africa during the apartheid era and its transition to democracy. Mandela, as the iconic leader of the African National Congress (ANC) and later the first democratically elected President of South Africa, and Buthelezi, as the leader of the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) and a prominent advocate for Zulu interests, offer contrasting perspectives on political ideology, strategy, and vision for the country. Drawing on a range of primary and secondary sources, including speeches, interviews, autobiographies, and scholarly analyses, this comparative study seeks to explore the ideological foundations, strategic approaches, and leadership styles of Mandela and Buthelezi. Key areas of analysis include their respective commitments to non-violence versus armed struggle, their approaches to negotiations and reconciliation, their visions for a post-apartheid South Africa, and their relationships with other political actors and movements. By examining these dimensions, this dissertation aims to shed light on the complexities of political leadership in a deeply divided society and to provide insights into the factors that shaped the trajectories of the anti-apartheid struggle and the transition to democracy in South Africa. Additionally, the study seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of the nuances of political ideology, strategy, and leadership in contexts of social and political transformation. Ultimately, this comparative analysis of Mandela and Buthelezi's political orientations offers valuable insights into the complexities of leadership and political ideology in the context of South Africa's struggle for liberation and democratic consolidation. It also underscores the importance of understanding the diverse perspectives and strategies that have shaped the country's political history and continue to influence its trajectory in the postapartheid era. OKUHUNYUSHWE NGOLIMI LWESIZULU NGOKUFINGQIWE Lolu cwaningo lucubungula ipolitiki yabantu ababili ababenethonya emlandweni waseNingizimu Afrika: uDkt Nelson R. Mandela kanye neNkosi Mangosuthu G. Buthelezi. Bobabili abaholi badlala indima ebalulekile ekulolongeni isimo sezombusazwe eNingizimu Afrika ngesikhathi sobandlululo kanye nokuguqukela kwayo entandweni yeningi. UMandela, njengomholi oqavilewe-African National Congress (ANC) futhi kamuva waba nguMengameli wokuqala wentando yeningi eNingizimu Afrika, kanye noButhelezi, njengomholi weNkatha Freedom Party (IFP) kanye nommeli ovelele wezimfuno zamaZulu, banikeza imibono ehlukene. ngemibono yepolitiki, isu, kanye nombono wezwe. Kususelwa emithonjeni eminingi eyisisekelo neyesibili, okuhlanganisa izinkulumo, izingxoxo, umlando wokuphila kwabantu, kanye nokuhlaziywa kwezazi, lolu cwaningo lokuqhathanisa luhlose ukuhlola izisekelo zemibono, izindlela zamasu, kanye nezitayela zobuholi bukaMandela noButhelezi. Imikhakha ebalulekile yokuhlaziya ibandakanya ukuzibophezela kwabo ekungabini kodlame uma kuqhathaniswa nomzabalazo wezikhali, izindlela zabo zokuxoxisana nokubuyisana, imibono yabo ngeNingizimu Afrika yangemva kobandlululo, kanye nobudlelwano babo nabanye abadlali bezepolitiki nezinhlangano. Ngokuhlolisisa lezi zilinganiso, lolu cwaningo luhlose ukuveza ubunkimbinkimbi bobuholi bezepolitiki emphakathini ohlukene phakathi kanye nokuhlinzeka ngemininingwane mayelana nezinto ezakha umkhondo womzabalazo wokulwa nobandlululo kanye nokudlulela entandweni yeningi eNingizimu Afrika. kwengeza, lolu cwaningo luhlose ukufaka isandla ekuqondeni okujulile kwemibono yezepolitiki, isu, nobuholi ezimeni zoguquko lwezenhlalo nezepolitiki. Ekugcineni, lokhu kuhlaziya okuqhathanisayo kokuma kukaMandela kanye noButhelezi kwezombusazwe kunikeza ukuqonda okubalulekile ngobunkimbinkimbi bobuholi kanye nemibono yezepolitiki emzabalazweni weNingizimu Afrika wenkululeko kanye nokuhlanganiswa kwentando yeningi. Iphinde igcizelele ukubaluleka kokuqonda imibono namasu anhlobonhlobo alolonge umlando wezwe wezepolitiki futhi asaqhubeka nokuba nomthelela emgudwini wawo esikhathini sangemuva kobandlululo.
dc.publisherUniversity of Zululand
dc.titleThe political orientation of Dr Nelson R. Mandela and iNkosi Mangosuthu G. Buthelezi – a comparative study
dc.title.alternativePolitical orientation
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