Exploring the concerted mechanistic pathway for HIV-1 PR—substrate revealed by umbrella sampling simulation

HIV-1 protease (HIV-1 PR) is an essential enzyme for the replication process of its virus, and therefore considered an important target for the development of drugs against the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Our previous study shows that the catalytic mechanism of subtype B/C-SA HIV-1 PR follows a one-step concerted acyclic hydrolysis reaction process using a two-layered ONIOM B3LYP/6- 31þþG(d,p) method. This present work is aimed at exploring the proposed mechanism of the proteolysis catalyzed by HIV-1 PR and to ensure our proposed mechanism is not an artefact of a single theoretical technique. Hence, we present umbrella sampling method that is suitable for calculating potential mean force (PMF) for non-covalent ligand/substrate-enzyme association/dissociation interactions which provide thermodynamic details for molecular recognition. The free activation energy results were computed in terms of PMF analysis within the hybrid QM(DFTB)/MM approach. The theoretical findings suggest that the proposed mechanism corresponds in principle with experimental data. Given our observations, we suggest that the QM/MM MD method can be used as a reliable computational technique to rationalize lead compounds against specific targets such as the HIV-1 protease.
Exploring the concerted mechanistic pathway for HIV-1 PR—substrate revealed by umbrella sampling simulation
: Zainab K. Sanusi, Monsurat M. Lawal, Pancham Lal. Gupta, Thavendran Govender, Sooraj Baijnath, Tricia Naicker, Glenn E. M. Maguire, Bahareh Honarparvar, Adrian E. Roitberg & Hendrik G. Kruger (2022) Exploring the concerted mechanistic pathway for HIV-1 PR—substrate revealed by umbrella sampling simulation, Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 40:4, 1736-1747, DOI: 10.1080/07391102.2020.1832578