Parental involvement as an administrative component of educational administration for the black people in South Africa

The object of this dissertation was to determine parental involvement as an administrative component of educational administration for the Black people in South Africa. This study is in field of Educational Administration. Parents are the first persons to organise educational situations for the child. Six chapters were written. When stating the problem, it was indicated in the first chapter that serious administrative problems may come about as a result of unwholemome relationship and lack of co-operation between parents a^d administrators of education. The study of Educational Administration, its definitions, nature, purposes and procedure, demonstrate the relevance of participation of the parent clientele. In considering educational administration as a practice a three- *evel paradigm was used, namely,the macro- meso- and micro-structural levels. After analysing the administration of education for the Blac*ks in South Africa it was found that Black parental involvement is inadequate. Recommendations for the increase of parental involveĀ¬ment were made.
Submitted in Fulfilment or Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the DEGREE OF MA S T E R 0 F EDUC A T ION in the Department of Educational Planning and Administration at the University of Zululand, 1983.
School management and organization., Parental involvement --educational administration, Educational Administration.