Development of a laser ionization test bench for radioactive ion beams
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University of Zululand
This thesis aims to develop the technique for selective laser ionization of atoms and the
role it can play in the production of radioactive ion beams. The theory of the production
of radioactive ion beams and resonant laser ionization using different techniques will be
discussed. Furthermore, the Isotope Separation On-Line method will be comprehensively
discussed and the requirements needed for the development of a laser ion source will be
summarized. The selective laser ionization of atoms will be demonstrated using
two different techniques, laser-enhanced ionization in gas and using a time-of-_flight mass
In laser-enhanced ionization in gas, atoms will be ejected into a flame via a device called
a nebulizer where the atoms will be excited by two-step excitation followed by collisional
ionization in the flame. The signal obtained will be fed onto a "boxcar" for data processing
and analysing. In time-of-flight mass spectroscopy, a collimated beam of stable atoms will
be created and the detailed design and construction of the atomic beam source and the
time-of-flight mass spectrometer will be shown. Two-step ionization of atoms will be used
to ionize the created beam and the ionized atoms will be accelerated twice by electric
fields, after which they will enter a free-field region and they will be separated according
to their mass to charge ratio. The interpretation of the results obtained will conclude the
thesis and future prospects for the project will be given.
Submitted to the Faculty of Science and Agriculture in partial ful lment
of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science in the Department
of Physics at the University of Zululand, South Africa, 2013.
Laser ionization, Radioactive ion beams