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    The effects of the abolition of corporal punishment on learner academic performance in selected public schools in the Vhembe District
    (University of Zululand, 2020) Singo, Ndinannyi Eunice
    Learner misconduct is one of the major issues that affect learner academic performance. Before the dawn of democracy in South Africa, the learners’ discipline in class was largely controlled through corporal punishment and discrimination, particularly in the “Bantu Schools”. This, however, is not the case in the democratic South Africa. The democratic dispensation enshrines human rights, equality and freedom for learners. The aim of the study was to find out how the abolition of corporal punishment has affected the learner performance in the Vhembe District’s public schools. The study is positioned in the pragmatism paradigm. The mixed methods approach was used to investigate the effects of the abolition of corporal punishment on learner academic performance in selected public schools in the Vhembe District. Simple random and purposive sampling procedures were used to select a sample for this study. Data was obtained through questionnaires and face to-face interviews. The findings were analysed in order to address and help improve the discipline and conduct problems in secondary schools. An improved discipline system based on a positive and responsible learning approach is recommended.
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    Utilization of smartphone as mobile-learning tools in secondary schools at King Cetshwayo District: perspectives of school management team members and educators
    (2021) Mokoena, Sello
    The adoption and acceptance of mobile technologies as mobile learning(m-learning) tools in the education sector has brought benefits and opportunities for teaching and learning. The main aim of the study was to determine and explore the perceptions of School Management Teams members (SMT) i.e. principals and head of departments, and educators on smartphones use as m-learning tools in selected secondary schools at King Cetshwayo District. The study employed a mixed method approach and the explanatory sequential research design to achieve the main aim of this research. The SMT members and educators in secondary schools are key role players on technology use and acceptance in secondary schools for teaching and learning purposes. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) was employed as the theoretical framework that underpinned this study. This research study was conducted in King Cetshwayo District’s secondary schools which is one of the largest district in KZN (Kwa-Zulu Natal) province. Questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were used as instruments to collect data in purposively selected secondary schools. The study respondents were SMT members and educators. The research piloted its questionnaire and it interview schedule in one secondary school which was not part of the ten selected secondary schools. The instrument used in the pilot study was used also in the main study because there were not changes after the pilot study revealed required results by the researcher, so that is the reason why it was also adopted without no changes for the main study. King Cetshwayo District has a total of 44 secondary schools for this study only ten were purposively selected. In the ten selected secondary schools 140 questionnaires were issued and 135 were collected, from the 10 planned interviews only 8 were conducted. Firstly, the study collected quantitative data from SMT members and educators, then followed with qualitative data from the principals. The main study findings revealed that the SMT and educators need training, skills development programmes on the use and adoption of smartphones as m-learning tools in secondary schools. The respondents indicated the type of staff development they require and how and when this training should take place. The study concluded by designing a model for secondary schools use and adoption of smartphones as m-learning tools in secondary schools. The model also show how the SMT members and educators could influence and motivate the smartphones use as m-learning tools in secondary schools.
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    Factors Affecting Entrepreneurial Skills Acquisition among Undergraduates in selected Universities in South Africa and Nigeria
    (University of Zululand, 2021) Olumuyiwa, Omotosho Ademola
    This study explored the factors affecting entrepreneurial skills acquisition among undergraduate students in two selected rural universities in South Africa and Nigeria. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used in this study. Questionnaires and semistructured interviews were used respectively for data collection. Systematic sampling technique was used to select the student respondents, while purposive sampling was used to select the academic staff respondents for the study. The questionnaire was administered to student participants, while lecturers were interviewed. Data for the quantitative study was analysed using descriptive statistics and Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) while the qualitative data was collected and analysed thematically. The findings of the study reveals that students' acquisition of entrepreneurial skills in the two selected rural universities is influenced by common factors such as a lack of motivation, a lack of well-equipped skills acquisition centres, a weak connection between university and industry and poor management of training, among others. Research finding further shows that the effects of entrepreneurship education on students’ entrepreneurial skills were insignificant in the two selected universities. It is clear that entrepreneurship training in the South African university lacks practical orientation, while the hands-on approach in the Nigerian university is characterised by a low participation rate. Evidence suggests that the respondents generally consider entrepreneurship as desirable when they perceive that there are people they can rely on for support or any form of assistance they would need to overcome obstacles and fear of failure in the process of starting a business. The aforementioned signifies a need for apprenticeship approach to entrepreneurship education programme. Based on the research findings, it was recommended that entrepreneurship education should concentrate on developing students’ foundational abilities as well as technical and entrepreneurial skills associated with the various stages in the entrepreneurial process, there is a need for a paradigm shift in the pedagogical approach in the selected South African university from being largely theoretical to experiential and practical approaches, a close relationship between academia, government and industry is paramount to effective development of skills amongst students. It is also recommended that universities incorporate entrepreneurial education across all faculties, expose students to on-the-job training and financiers, face-to-face interactions with real business people in live projects, assist with the incubation of business ideas from students. The study addressed the understudied ‘skill factors’ in entrepreneurship and upholds quality assurance in entrepreneurship education in an apprenticeship way.
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    Influence of the 21st century technology in learner academic performance in King Cetshwayo district secondary schools
    (University of Zululand, 2021) Seme, Justice Phila
    In the 21st Century, technology has been known to play an important role in stimulating teaching and learning. Conversely, technology is also seen as a tool which tends to distract learners and hamper their academic performances. This study investigates strategies that can be adapted for the control of online gadgets in order to enhance learners’ academic performance in the 21st Century. Quantitative methods were adopted for the study. Rural and urban-based secondary schools were purposively selected, while 180 educators were randomly selected across the schools. The selected schools comprised of ten (10) rural and ten(10) urban secondary schools in King Cetshwayo District, KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa. Data were collected through the use of questionnaires which were administered to the 180 randomly selected educators. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS. The findings of the study showed, inter alia, that there is a need for the use of online technological gadgets in schools to be legalized by the Department of Basic Education (DBE) under strict terms and conditions. Also, there is need for parents according to DBE to keep the gadgets during school hours and return them after school and week-ends. The study recommends that a strong alliance regarding the control of learners’ use of online gadgets be formed amongst DBE, parents and educators.
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    The impact of household poverty trap on learners’ academic performance in Nongoma secondary schools in the Zululand district
    (University of Zululand, 2021) Omoniyi, Iwaloye Bunmi
    The study critically examined the impact of the household poverty trap on learners’ academic performance in nongoma secondary schools in the Zululand District. The researcher explored the relationships that defined the overlaps between the needs of the learners in the classroom and the household needs and goals. Thus, the impacts on the learning needs and academic success of the learner on the social and economic status of the family became evident. The research engaged the ecological theory of Urie Bronfenbrenner as a theoretical lens to understand the phenomenon. The study aimed at exploring the socio-economic views of household poverty on high school learners in Nongoma, where poverty tends to predominate due to the rurality of the Nongoma communities. The results of this study indicate that the majority of rural Nongoma learners cannot afford their emotional, physical, moral, social, and academic achievements even to the fundamental needs of people required for learning. A mixed method research design was adopted to collect primary data with selected participants within the study area. The collected data on the impact of household poverty trap on learners’ academic performance in Nongoma Secondary schools in the Zululand District were analyzed thematically. This study also found that the performance of academic students affected by financial constraints, poor health due to lack of good food, violence, child abuse, and prostitution, long-term stigma and stereotyping, school dropouts and absenteeism from school, is poor. This study recommends rural development policies, income and wealth distribution policies to close the gap between rich and poor, feeding in every school, particularly in rural schools and adequate learning aid for the provision of laboratories, computers and teaching pedagogy in rural schools. The study recommends also that the microsystem of schools and families, the meso- and exosystem of the community and macro-systems resolve the issue. All stakeholders need to work together to encourage learners to embrace education by providing them with all necessary enabling support to lose household poverty traps on them
University of Zululand