The role of trade unions in industrial relations system in South African industry : a study of Mondi Kraft Industry

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This research attempts to highlight the role of trade unions in industrial relations system in South Africa: A study of Mondi Kraft industry. The identified roles include, resolving conflicts between the management and the employees, improving the remunerations of the employees, creating a conducive forum for mediation and conciliation process in Mondi Kraft industry. This research confirms that lack of finance for workers to sustain themselves in the course of the strike action is one of the major reasons for ending the strike. It was also observed in this research that the ethnic factor influences individual's desire to associate with a particular trade union. Furthermore, this research showed clearly that poor education, lack of co-operation giving to union members and the hostile attitude of management towards the unions are the major problems confronting the growth and development of the trade unions.
Dissertation presented in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Industrial Sociology at the University of Zululand, 1999.
Industrial sociology--Thesis and dissertations., Labor unions--Kwa-zulu natal (Mondi kraft industry), Industrial relations.