Effect of classroom environment on learning of four-year old preschool children in Sibasa circuit, Vhembe district

Globally, every country is striving to put early learning at the apex of its priorities, hence, governments make many provisions to ensure early learning is accessible. The National Integrated Early Childhood Development Policy of South Africa has been put in place to ensure learners have access to quality education, without discrimination, for example, the 0-4 year olds. For preschool children to develop holistically, they need a well-designed classroom learning environment that supports the learning and development of four-year old preschool children. This study aimed to explore the effect of classroom environment on the learning of four-year old preschool children. The study employed the pragmatic paradigm, where both qualitative and quantitative methods were used, and data was collected through interviews and questionnaires. The results show that a well-designed classroom environment promotes learning and the children’s long-term development. Factors, such as - lack of learning materials, funds, lack of qualified teachers - have a negative effect on the learning of preschool children. The results further reveal that for a classroom environment to support the learning and development of the four-year old preschool children, qualified teachers, availability of classrooms, appropriate learning, and teaching materials are of paramount importance. A model for effective classroom environment design was developed based on the research findings.
A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the academic requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Foundations of Education in the Faculty of Education, University of Zululand, 2020.
Early Childhood, Preschool, Classroom environment