Effectiveness of the financial management practices by high school principals promoting teaching and learning in eSwatini

dc.contributor.advisorKutame, A. P. and Ngidi, T. Z.
dc.contributor.authorNonjola, Daphne Bethusile
dc.descriptionA thesis submitted to the Faculty of Education in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Educational Foundation and Management at the University of Zululand, South Africa [2023].
dc.description.abstractHigh school principals‟ financial management practices have been under discussion by various authors. Effectiveness of teaching and learning relies heavily on proper financial management practices of school principals. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of high school principals‟ financial management practices in promoting teaching and learning in eSwatini. The study employed a mixed method approach in the collection data. Quantitative data was collected using questionnaires from randomly sampled principals in the four regions of eSwatini and qualitative data was collected using semi-structured interviews from purposefully sampled high school principals and regional in-service officers. Quantitative data was analysed using SPSS and displayed in tables showing frequencies and percentages and inferential statistics. For qualitative data thematic analysis was employed. The main findings were that some principals had challenges in practices such as budget monitoring; compliance with some items of school financial management legislation which may inhibit teaching and learning. They cited lack of continuous training in school financial management; insufficient finances; late disbursements of OVC grants; and outdated school financial management legislation as a barrier to effectiveness. Most principals also cited lack of financial management skills as fostering negative attitudes towards school financial management. Anxiety, fear and worry were found to be part of the emotional trauma experienced by principals when managing school finances. Other findings were that some principals neglected their financial management duties and delegated most of them to school secretaries. Principals recommended school-based assistance and continuous financial management training; and internal auditing to be used as a preventative control measure as main strategies to improve school financial management. The recommendation was that they manage school finances together with School Management Teams.
dc.publisherUniversity of Zululand
dc.titleEffectiveness of the financial management practices by high school principals promoting teaching and learning in eSwatini
dc.title.alternativeHigh schools financial management practice
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