Promoting family resilience in South Africa : a community psychological, multicultural counseling approach

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University of Zululand
The aim of this article is to describe some projects in KwaZulu-Natal, which adopted a community psychological, multicultural counselling approach in promoting family resilience. Observing that every entity shares a dual nature: as a whole in itself, and as a part of some other whole, Wilber (2007) has adopted Arthur Koestler’s term ‘holon’ to describe such a phenomenon. In the present context, the focus is on individuals, families and communities as holons. More precisely, the concern is with perceptions of individuals, adolescents and parents, who comprise families, groups and communities. Although our main focus is on family resilience, axiomatically and conversely this focus includes a concern with community resilience, which consists of group, family and individual resilience patterns
Peer reviewed article published under Inkanyiso, Volume 7, Issue 1, Jan 2015, p. 38 - 43
Community psychology, multicultural counselling, family resilience
Edwards, S., 2015. Promoting family resilience in South Africa: a community psychological, multicultural counseling approach. Inkanyiso: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(1), pp.38-43.