Impact of Obesity on Learner Academic Performance in Rural Secondary Schools in Vhembe District

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The emerging scourge of overweight and obesity are attributed to the consumption of high energy-dense foods, poor nutrition, lifestyle transition and little physical activity which cause serious developmental health problems, psychological complications and cognitive dysfunction. These debilitating challenges consequently affect children’s growth and development and result in academic under-achievement. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of obesity on learner academic performance in rural secondary schools in Mvudi circuit of Vhembe district. This study used Convergent Parallel Mixed Method Design in collecting data through questionnaires and in-depth face-to-face interviews and observations. Simple random sampling procedure was used to select 125 school learners and purposive sampling was used to select 5 teachers and 5 learners from the five rural secondary schools in Mvudi circuit of Vhembe district, Limpopo Province, South Africa. The study findings established that obesity has the capability to directly impair the physiological, psycho-social and economic dimensions of learners which exert an impact on academic performance. Overall, variables such as nutrition, gender, physical inactivity, industrialisation, sedentary lifestyle and bullying negatively affect academic performance. Government sectors, teachers, parents and learners should work together in addressing the challenges caused by obesity as it exerts an adverse impact on the academic attainment of learners.
Thesis Submitted in Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor Of Education In The Department Of Educational Psychology And Special Education School, at the University Of Zululand