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    Ucwaningo Ngemizwa Yabalaleli Ngemidlalo Yomoya Kanye Nomthelela Wokuphindwaphindwa Kwemidlalo Emidala Emsakazweni Ukhozi Fm
    (2022) Xhakaza, Sibusiso Sihle
    Lolu cwaningo lucubungula imizwa yabalaleli ngemidlalo yomoya kanye nomthelela wokuphindwaphindwa kwemidlalo emidala emsakazweni Ukhozi fm. Lolu cwaningo lusebenzise izindlela ezahlukene zokuqoqa ulwazi okubandakanya nemposambuzo kubabambiqhaza ababekhethwe ngobunhloso (purposive sampling). Lolu ucwaningo olukhwalithethivu lusebenzise ipharadaymu yomhumusho (interpretive paradigm) kanye nenjulalwazi eyaziwa ngokuthi yi-social judgement theory. Emva kokuhlaziywa kwezimpendulo, kutholakale ukuthi abalaleli bayayithanda imidlalo emidala ngenxa yokuthi iyafundisa entsheni uma iqhathaniswa naleyo emisha. Emidala ivelele ngesiZulu sempela, iziyalo kanye nokugqamisa ukubaluleka kwamasiko nosikompilo lwesiZulu. Kuyahlaluka nokuthi imidlalo emidala isebenzisa isiZulu esamukelekile uma iqhathaniswa neyanamuhla esixuba kakhulu isiNgisi nolimi lwesitsotsi. Lo msebenzi wehlukaniswe waba izahluko ezinhlanu kanje: ISAHLUKO SOKUQALA Isahluko sokuqala siyisethulo socwaningo lapho umcwaningi endlalela khona ucwaningo olubhekisisa imizwa kanye nemibono yabalaleli mayelana nokuphindwa kwemidlalo emidala yomoya emsakazweni Ukhozi fm. Lapha umcwaningi udingide izihloko ezifana nenhloso yocwaningo, intshisekelo, umklamo, imibuzo, abazozuza ngocwaningo kanye nolwazi oluwumnikelo walolu cwaningo emkhakheni wezemidlalo. ISAHLUKO SESIBILI Isahluko sesibili sidingida imibono yongoti kanye nenjulalwazi esetshenzisiwe ukuhlaziya ulwazi oluqoqwe kulolu cwaningo. Lapha bekubhekwa ukuthi ongoti bathini ngesihloko socwaningo nokuthi ikuphi ababhali abake bakuzuza ngesihloko esikhuluma ngabalaleli bemidlalo yomoya esikhathini esiphambili. Injulalwazi icacisa kabanzi ngomhlahlandlela wocwaningo ukuze umcwaningi angazitholi esenhlanhlatha uma esehlaziya. viii ISAHLUKO SESITHATHU Isahluko sesithathu siqukethe izindlela ezisetshenzisiwe ukuqoqa ulwazi locwaningo. Umcwaningi usebenzise indlela yekhwalithethivu kanye nepharadaymu yomhumusho ukuqhuba ucwaningo. Umcwaningi uphinde wabheka nemiqulu eseke yabhalwa ababhali abehlukene mayelana nemidlalo yomoya. Kulesi sahluko kubhekwe ukuthi umcwaningi usebenzise ziphi izindlela kanye namathuluzi ukuzuza amaqiniso ocwaningo. Imposambuzo isetshenziswe kakhulu yase ilekelelwa yisiqophamazwi nephephamibuzo ekuqoqeni ulwazi olucwaningiwe. ISAHLUKO SESINE Isahluko sesine sineka obala konke okuphawulwe abalaleli bomdlalo womoya ngemidlalo kanye nokuphindwaphindwa kwaleyo emidala emsakazweni Ukhozi fm. Kuphindwe kwahlaziywa nezimpendulo zababambiqhaza, kwashicilelwa wonke amaqiniso abakwazile ukuwaveza kulolu cwaningo. Kucashunwe okubalulekile emazwini abawashilo kwase kudingidwa izindikimba ezivumbukile kulokho ababambiqhaza abanhlobonhlobo abakuveze njengokuyimizwa yabo. ISAHLUKO SESIHLANU Lapha kulesi sahluko kugxilwe ekusongweni kocwaningo. Lapha kuthintwe izihlokwana ezifana nezincomo, isihlaziyo kanye nesiphetho socwaningo. Kubheka ukuthi ikuphi okuzuziwe, ukubheka ukuthi ngabe imibuzo yocwaningo iphendulekile yini, ukudingida umthelela wocwaningo emkhakheni kanye nokuveza izingxenye ezisengacwaningwa abanye abalandelayo kule ndima.
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    Isakhiwo Samahlaya Nokunothisa Kwawo Ulimi Lwesizulu
    (2021) Zondo, Ndumiso Sicelo
    Lolu cwaningo luhlola isakhiwo samahlaya nokunothisa kwawo ulimi lwesiZulu. Kuzobhekwa indlela amahlaya akheke ngayo, izimpawu zolimi namasu asetshenziswayo ekwethulweni kwamahlaya. Lo msebenzi uzobheka kakhulu isakhiwo sangaphakathi samahlaya. Lo mqingo ufisa ukuphenya ngomthelela amahlaya aba nawo ekuthuthukeni kolimi. Lokhu kuzovela ngaphansi kwezindlela ezisetshenziswa osomahlaya ukwethula umsebenzi wabo, izimpawu zolimi, okuyikhona okuvamayo emahlayeni. Ulimi alukwazi ukungathinteki kulesi sihloko, amahlaya ethulwa ngolimi oluthile. Isahluko sokuqala: Isethulo socwaningo Isahluko sokuqala siqukethe isingeniso noma isethulo socwaningo, ukuchazwa kwamahlaya, izinhloso zocwaningo, inkuthazo yocwaningo, izindlela zokuqhuba ucwaningo, izinsizakuhlaziya, uhlaka lwangaphakathi lwamahlaya, umklamo wocwaningo, imibono yongoti, nokubaluleka nobumqoka bocwaningo. Isahluko sesibili: Ukubuyekezwa kwemibhalo ngezifengqo, amahlaya nomsebenzi wawo. Bathini ongoti ngezifengqo emahlayeni? Baphawula bathini ngamahlaya? Bathini ngesakhiwo sawo? Ithini imicabango yabo? Kuthini ukugalela kwabo ngomsebenzi wamahlaya emhlabeni wonke jikelele? Isahluko sesithathu: Uhlaka Iwezinsizakuhlaziya Isahluko sesithathu siphethe izinsizakuhlaziya nezindlela zokwenza ucwaningo ezizosetshenziswa umcwaningi ocwaningweni lakhe. Ucwaningo luzosebenzisa insizakuhlaziya yokungavumelani, eyobutha, eyokukhulula, ejwayelekile yamahlaya ethulwa ngomlomo. Lezi nsizakuhlaziya izona ezizobamba elikhulu iqhaza ekuhlaziyeni amahlaya anhlobonhlobo athulwe ngezindlela ezahlukene. Kuzobhekwa ukuthuthuka kwamahlaya nesakhiwo sawo. v Isahluko sesine: Isakhiwo samahlaya Kuzobhekwa izizinda zamahlaya, isakhiwo samahlaya nolimi lwawo, ukweyisa, ukudlalisa amagama, ihaba, umbhuqo nombhinqo. Kuvezwa ulwazi ngesu lemidwebo ukucacisa izihlaziyo nokuqhubeka ocwaningweni. Isahluko sesihlanu: Izimpawu zolimi zokwethula ihlaya Ukuhlaziywa kwezimpawu zolimi okuyimpinda, iziphumuzo (ezinde nezimfushane), amagama okuhlela inkulumo, nokuguquguquka kwephimbo. Konke lokhu kuzobhekwa ukuthi kuletha ini entuthukweni yolimi lwesiZulu. Isahluko sesithupha: Isihlaziyo, iziphakamiso nesiphetho Ukuhlaziywa komsebenzi wonke, kubekwe iziphakamiso lapho kudingeka khona bese kwephethwa ucwaningo. Kulesi sahluko kukhona isingeniso, ukubuyekezwa kwemibuzo, izimpendulo zemibuzo yocwaningo, isihlaziyo socwaningo, iziphakamiso nesiphetho socwaningo.
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    A Survey of Non-Isizulu Students’ Attitudes Towards Learning Isizulu as a Communicative Language at a University in the Gauteng Province, Pretoria
    (2023) Mbatha, Nokuthula Gertrude
    Several students come from different provinces and enrol at a University of Technology (UoT) in Gauteng for the Language Practice programme, because it offers a range of five indigenous African languages as subjects: isiZulu, Sepedi, Setswana, Tshivenda, and Xitsonga. Students who are not native speakers of these languages are expected to choose and learn one of them for communicative purposes. Nevertheless, when non-isiZulu students are offered isiZulu as an option to study, they seemed to be hesitant. Hence, this study aimed to discover the reasons for that perceived reluctance, and to determine if the sampled non-isiZulu students have negative attitudes toward learning isiZulu language, the language itself, and its speakers. The survey has sampled a total of 46 participants, only the Language Practice students within the university. A interpretivism paradigm was adopted in order to explore and understand the participants’ views, background and experiences on the current study, since it aimed to understand the human experience in the world and their impact on social reality. Furthermore, the study implemented a mixed research approach (qualitative and quantitative) which used questionnaires and semi structured interviews for data collection. The Attribution and Self Determination theories underpinned this study. The researcher used descriptive statistics to discuss the quantitative data and thematic analysis for qualitative data. It was found that non isiZulu language students have positive attitudes and used various approaches when learning isiZulu as an additional language at university level. Respondents and participants indicated that they realised the significance of learning isiZulu as an additional language and that they were of the view that learning isiZulu has many benefits and facilitates the promotion of the isiZulu language in South Africa.
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    An analysis of IsiZulu language in the television drama “Isibaya”: an educators’ functional linguistic and socio-cultural perspectives
    (University of Zululand, 2022-12-01) Msweli, Zanele Priscilla
    This study investigated the use of the isiZulu language in the television drama Isibaya using a functional linguistic and socio-cultural perspective. The target population of this study was all IsiZulu home language educators in all 11 districts of the KZN province. The accessible population included 15 schools in the King Cetshwayo district close to the researcher. A purposive sampling technique was used to sample participants from the accessible population. The sample was made up of 40 further Education and Training (FET) IsiZulu language educators. A qualitative research methodology and a case study research design were adopted by the study. The data collection instruments used were open-ended questionnaires and 10 extracts from video clips of Isibaya Season 7. The findings from the study revealed that the language used in both polygamous and mononuclear families reveal dominance, power, and gender inequality. Gender inequality and patriarchy are still a characteristic of the Zulu society. The language usage in Isibaya portrays women as individuals who are required to obey the orders of men and give birth to children. Furthermore, the language used by the in-laws suggests that society still views, women as objects in the form of childbearing machines that do not have value in society. On the other hand, polygamy imposes hlonipha (respect) language upon the wives and children. Language of respect (ukuhlonipha) encompasses the entire value system of the social life of the Zulu people. The use of the language of respect in Isibaya has been a source of enrichment to the isiZulu language. The language of respect, however, is more than merely a tradition; it is a spiritual conviction and an essential ingredient in the life philosophy of the Zulu people. Over the past decade, there have been numerous studies regarding patriarchy in television dramas, future studies need to focus on language use in matriarchy in South African television dramas and how it can impact culture.
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    Indigenization of the music curriculum through Maskandi as a learning programme in two selected South African universities
    (University of Zululand, 2021-03-01) Buthelezi, Bhekani Eugene
    Student population in most African universities is predominantly black Africans, but the curricula at most of these universities is still dominated by Western epistemologies and knowledge instead of being dealt with in combination with indigenous knowledge. This study aimed to investigate and suggest an alternative way in which indigenous musical arts can have equal value as Western music by incorporating local styles and tradition such as Maskandi as a learning programme. Indigenizing the music curricula has the benefit of moving indigenous musical arts from the periphery and also contributing positively towards preserving, documenting and promoting heritage of the marginalized communities in South Africa. This qualitative study suggests indigenization of the music curriculum by adding Maskanda as a learning program. This study selected two South African universities to investigate the dominance of Eurocentric world view in music education. The study used Ethnomusicology and Constructivism as theoretical frameworks which underpin the study. Interpretivist paradigm was adopted as an appropriate paradigm for the study. Data was solicited through semi-structured interviews, document analysis and observations. Participants in the study included Music education teachers from both selected universities and Maskanda musicians selected from rural communities. The study revealed that although indigenization has been endorsed by the Department of Higher Education and Training, implementation has been poor because of various reasons such as shortage of resources, inadequate Afrocentric theories and pedagogies and a long history of Eurocentric indoctrination. The study suggested that the involvement of Maskanda musicians can contribute positively in minimizing shortage of human resources. The study recommended that more work be done to explore appropriate Afrocentric pedagogies for teaching and learning of African musical arts at tertiary level.
University of Zululand