Treatments, therapies and activities in learners with autism spectrum disorder and the efficacy of selected interventions on social communication

Despite the sensitivity of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and the fact that there is an increase worldwide as well as in South Africa, parents/guardians and learners face many challenges on a daily basis. The difficulties that many of these parents/guardians and learners’ face are with social communications; social interaction; restricted and repetitive behavior patterns and interest in specific objects or topics. There are various treatments, therapies, interventions and activities available for these learners’. The objective of this study is to describe current treatments, therapies, interventions and activities utilized by learners diagnosed with ASD in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. As well as to investigate the efficacy of interventions on the learners’ social communications. The study also aimed to describe current pharmaceutical and supplement-based treatments used by learner diagnosed with ASD. The study also explored the role of a sensory integration intervention on mood, behavior and cognition of learners diagnosed with ASD. The study examines the effects of motor skill and horse riding activities on the social communication skills of learners diagnosed with ASD. The study collected data from various schools and centers (specializing in ASD), parents/guardians of learners diagnosed with ASD. Data was obtained through three methods: 1) Pharmaceutical and Supplement-based treatment survey, 2) Sensory Integration intervention program, and 3) Motor skill and Horse Riding activity observations. No differentiation was made between race groups during the study. The pharmaceutical and supplement-based survey consisted 24 children aged 2-12 years diagnosed with ASD. The sensory integration therapy, twelve children aged 2-7 years participated in the intervention. In the motor skill activity case study, three boys aged 6-8 years were observed in the horse riding lesson, four boys age 9-13 participated. The results of the study identified the various treatments therapies, interventions and activities that can assist that learners diagnosed with ASD to participate in daily activities. These finding will also assist parents and tutors working with learners on a daily basis. Considering the increase in prevalence of ASD, it is very important that more education is provided on which treatment, therapy, intervention and activity suitable is for their child. Awareness raising in the media to reduce the stigma, improve understanding of ASD, encouragement for early diagnoses and encouragement take up of various interventions to address symptoms associated with ASD is also important.
Thesis submitted for the degree Philosphiae Doctor in Department of Human Movement Science in the Faculty of Science and Agriculture at the University of Zululand, 2019.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD),, treatments therapies