Experiences of educators teaching learners with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in Umtunzini Circuit.

There was a limited amount of research that looked at the experiences of educators teaching learners with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Many learners enter schools without a diagnosis of ADHD only to find that they present with the symptoms of ADHD. So, it is important for educators to know these symptoms and what to do with such learners in a classroom. The Department of Basic Education can better understand how to assist educators in order for them to teach ADHD learners effectively. The aim of the study was to explore the experiences of educators teaching learners with ADHD. This study had the following objectives: The first objective was to explore the experiences of educators who teach learners with ADHD. The second objective was to determine whether or not there is adequate training provided for educators to teach learners with ADHD. The third objective was to establish if there are intervention strategies teachers use to teach ADHD learners. The participants in this study were ten (10) educators from three (3) different schools in uMtunzini Circuit, KwaZulu Natal. Themes from the interview were analysed using Thematic Analysis method. The views expressed by educators in most instances were in line with those of the research authors identified in this study. The conclusions amongst others were that educators are experiencing difficulties teaching learners with ADHD. They are challenged in terms of managing ADHD learners in classrooms. It is clear that educators require training to equip themselves with knowledge and skills on ADHD.
A mini-dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Education in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Masters in Educational Psychology in the Department of Curriculum and Instructional Studies at the University of Zululand, 2017
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder --ADHD --educators --learners